Course Descriptions

Zero Balancing Core Courses

Deanna also teaches a 3 or 6 hour Intro to Zero Balancing class.

Zero Balancing II

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Zero Balancing II is the second half of the Core Zero Balancing program in which students review the material from ZB I while learning new fulcrums and expanding their understanding of how and why Zero Balancing is so effective. ZB II is highly recommended for all ZB practitioners who have not taken a ZB course in a while as it includes the most up to date methods for performing Zero Balancing. 

You Will Learn: 

• A review of the basic ZB protocol with an emphasis on quality of touch, focus and positioning of the practitioner PLUS additional techniques to create an expanded protocol 

 • To deepen your understanding of ZB theory, principles and techniques and acquire experience in preparation for advanced study 

 • New skills and coordination in handling energy and structure, how to frame or set goals for a ZB session, advance your ability to work with expanded states of consciousness and give/receive constructive peer feedback 
Class length: four days; 25 CE hours     
Prerequisite: Zero Balancing I

Zero Balancing I

CLASS DESCRIPTION: This is the first course of the Core Zero Balancing curriculum and introduces the intellectual and practical framework of the art and science of Zero Balancing. Instructors provide a detailed study guide, clear presentations, and demonstrations of Zero Balancing. In practice sessions, students experience both how to perform Zero Balancing and how Zero Balancing feels to receive.
You will learn:

  • The basic Zero Balancing protocol

  • Theory and principles of ZB

  • To distinguish body energy and body structure through touch

  • The skill of using energy as a working tool

  • The energetic anatomy of the skeleton

  • The theory and application of fulcrums

  • How to give a ZB session

  • How to begin using Zero Balancing immediately

Class length: four days; 25 CE hours     
Prerequisite: none


Foundation Certificate (50 hours)

Insight Acupressure (formerly Soul Lightening Acupressure) Foundation Certificate includes two classes. Clinical Acupressure 1 and Process Acupressure 1a can be taken as an in-person class (24 hours) or as a Hybrid class, with 18 hours of Live-stream interactive webinar and 6 hours of in-person touch feedback with a qualified Skilled Touch Practitioner in a few select locations across the USA. Contact me for more details. Most people prefer to take Clinical Acupressure 1 first.

Clinical Acupressure 1

This course teaches how to use acupressure to balance and energize the whole body and specific parts. Demonstration and practice show the application of formulas for all parts of the body, such as the head, neck, back, face, chest, abdomen, pelvis, legs and feet, arms and hands, and many symptoms, such as blood pressure, constipation, digestive problems, headaches, etc. Participants learn to locate and access more than 35 potent acupressure points. They also receive a clinical handbook and study guide with more than 70 specific acupressure formulas for specific body parts and conditions. Appropriate for clinical applications. This course is ideal for health-care professionals with hands-on experience.

In this course you will learn:
+ how to locate and access 36 acupressure points

+ how acupressure can balance and energize the whole body and specific parts

+ how to use the Basic Protocol with other Clinical Acupressure protocols during lab practicums

+ how to design and implement a complete 1-hour Clinical Acupressure session

+ how to hold therapeutic presence and relationship interactions with others

+how to model the importance of self-care for healing

Note: This is one of our two Foundation courses. The other is PA1A:  Process Acupressure 1A: Foundations. There are no prerequisites for this class.

Process Acupressure 1a

Process Acupressure (PA) is a simple, yet profound, holistic method that combines traditional acupressure (to a fully-clothed body) with a process approach to consciousness. It facilitates healing and the natural growth process that arises from within the individual. Process skills are taught that facilitate clarity-in mind, emotions, and spirit. Soul centered development is emphasized. Although acupressure is a lifelong study, this course will empower you to work effectively with energy flow in the body including both meridians and chakras, toward greater balance. You will learn tools that give you confidence. PA can be used alone for self-help or easily given to another. It can also be combined with another body modality. For example, our work with the Great Central Channel strengthens the energetic pathway of the spine and is an excellent complement to Acupuncture, Chiropractic, CranioSacral Therapy, Massage Therapy, rehab modalities, and more.
In this course you will learn:

+ a simple but powerful acupressure method to balance body energy

+ how to combine bodywork with psychological-spiritual process skills

+ how to empower self and client toward greater understanding and responsibility for health and growth

+ how to use the skills on yourself to further your own growth

Note: This is one of our two Foundation courses. The other is CA1: Basic Applications. There are no prerequisites for this class.

Seva Stress Release

Seva Stress Release: Part One For Self Care (3 hours)  consists of an acupressure protocol for self care to address a wide range of needs from general relaxation and well being to extreme shock and stress. Anyone can learn this simple technique which includes demonstration and hands-on location of acupoints. Pre-requisite for Part 2.

Seva Stress Release: Part Two For Others (3 hours) practices the same protocol in two new ways: seated in a chair and lying comfortably on massage tables. After taking both modules, students will have enough information and skill to practice easily on themselves, as well as on others.

Acupressure For Anyone Series

The first two Seva Stress Release modules are pre-requisite for taking any of the remaining Acupressure for Anyone workshops. SEVA is Sanskrit for compassionate service.

A4A Module 3: Great Central Channel Learn acupressure for pain relief, centering and peace of mind.

A4A Module 4: Harmony & balance: Hormone balancing, nervous system release, deep relaxation and well-being

A4A Module 5: Head and Neck Protocols Learn basic neck and head releases and the special headache formula. Applications include tension and pain in the head, neck and face. Also addresses sinus congestion and headaches.

A4A Module 6: Back, Chest & Abdomen Learn back & chest releases for tension, digestion and other special conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, arthritis, menstrual cramps and skin conditions.

A4A Module 7: Arms, Legs, Hands & Feet Acupressure for the extremities, muscle relaxation & digital associations. Applications include sprained ankles, swollen feet, hip pain, knee stiffness, insomnia, sciatica and plantar fasciitis.

A4A Module 8: Colds, Flu and Immune System Learn the Immune Lymph booster, respiratory, sinus and ear releases. Applications include allergies, ear problems, coughing, dizziness, sinus, blurry vision and blood pressure problems.

NEW: Good Points Self Care Series Daily self-care practices help reduce stress and its accompanying symptoms, which allow a person to move toward greater health. Learn a series of protocols for your own self care. Classes are 60 - 90 minutes each. Protocols are based on the eight A4A modules.