Eagle’s Wings
The Eagle is a symbol of strength and power. It has been the national bird of the USA since 1782. Our founding leaders chose the Bald Eagle with it’s outspread wings as a symbol of democracy.
It’s also interesting to note that the Eagle has faced the threat of extinction in the past and needed quite a bit of protection in order to survive. Eagles were not safe from humans. Humans have been the biggest threat to eagles by destroying their habitats, their food sources and hunting them down illegally. Through strict rules and laws of protection, the eagles are once again thriving.
Humans have also been a similar threat to other humans. We humans have destroyed a sense of safety in our habitats/communities. Humans feed us a very unhealthy social media diet seasoned with half truths and lies. Humans attack and kill other humans often without thinking clearly in moments of stress and conflict. We all contribute in some way to this threat to our species.
We (humans) need protection from ourselves. The events of the past few days are clearly a threat to the extinction of our democracy. I don’t even have words to express right now how the events make me feel on the inside, but my body is certainly experiencing the unrest and emotional chaos. I have a feeling that I just want to hibernate and avoid the rest of the world right now.
In mid-December, a very wise woman shared with a group of holistic practitioners what she felt was a prophetic dream for our world. She said that there was a “dark wave” coming towards humanity, and our work as holistic practitioners was to rise above the chaos and jump over the divide. “When this time comes, take a leap. Your heart knows how to jump over it. Raise up wings and fly above it all. Avoid [the chaos] and land on the other side. Show the way to others.”
Her prophetic words came to mind this week, along with the song On Eagle’s Wings by Michael Crawford.
I will raise you up on eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of My Hand.
In Native American circles, the symbol of the eagle represents a spiritual connection to the Great Spirit. The eagle is visionary and can see the big picture above the patterns of life. The eagle carries our prayers to the Divine. An eagle feather assisted the Shaman in healing ceremonies. This kind of eagle power is related to healing and wisdom, not the kind of harmful supremacy and fear-producing dominance that was displayed in our nation’s capital this week.
We live in a biofield of electromagnetic energies all around us that influence us often without our conscious awareness. The frequencies of anger, hated, control and abuse are clashing with other frequencies of disbelief, disgust, frustration and shock, to name just a few. These frequencies are much lower and more harmful to all of us, than the higher vibrations of love, hope, peace, joy, gratitude and forgiveness. We don’t always “see” these energies unless we consciously pay attention with our eagle eye vision.
I want to rise above this chaos and fly ahead. I want to help show a different way of being in the world. I want to be the bridge between heaven and earth, and bring a shift to the higher compassionate power of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
I know that in quantum physics (and in Zero Balancing), the clearer, stronger field of energy will entrain (sync) the other weaker vibrations around to begin vibrating at the level of the stronger frequency. So I want to raise the frequency of love and peace and calm in the world. But that will take many of us coming together in unity to bring a clearer, stronger field of energy to the world. It’s time to let go of the current vibrations of sex, money and power that have controlled our world leaders. We want to instead bring those vibration into the frequency of compassion, safety and security through the power of Divine Love and Wisdom.
Some of us may need to be in the biofield of the chaos right now. May those who serve in this way help create change and show the way and be a clear strong biofield of energy. We need strong leaders who bring clear thinking and insight and wisdom into the chaos of this week. Other people may need to step back and avoid the chaos for various reasons. It’s been overwhelming and we need to each take care of ourselves, especially when we are still in the midst of a pandemic. I hope we will all take some time for self reflection and discernment in the coming weeks.
There will be lots of finger pointing and blaming, along with the truth-telling and way-showing in the coming weeks and months and years. I hope there is compassion and forgiveness and tolerance. I hope we can listen to each other and have eagle eye vision to rise above the chaos. Each of us have to make choices about how we will respond to the events of this day, this week and this new year. It will be easy to expect people to respond the way we want them to respond. But each of us gets to decide for ourselves how we want to live in the world moving forward. Now is the time for each of us to really look inward and choose what is really true and what we are called to BE and DO.
We are each on a spiritual (soul) journey. We are in a process of learning the lessons we came here to learn and grow into the purpose we are meant to be doing. Along the journey, we are searching, learning lessons, making mistakes and growing. We each have a process that is unique to us, and yet interconnected to others. It’s both/and.
Our work right now is to be present in the moment and consciously Be Aware: To be aware of what is happening internally within us. To notice what is happening to others in the world. To seek soul wisdom. To know when to be silent and when to speak. To know when to isolate and when to engage with others. To choose when to simply BE and when to DO something. To choose to hold ourselves, our loved ones, our community, our world and even our “enemies” (those we disagree with or who harm us) with love and compassion and grace.
So now is the time to rise above the chaos. Now is the time for clear eagle vision. Now is the time to be aware and make wise, conscious choices.
Reflection: Take a moment right now to breathe deeply. Place a hand our your heart and your belly-brain (gut) and bring your conscious awareness to them, to connect the three brains of your body (head, heart and gut).
Notice what thoughts are surfacing within you today. Name those out loud.
Notice the emotions underneath those thoughts. How do they need to be expressed?
Where do you feel those vibrations in your body? Hold that area with love and compassion.
Are you responding to life around you out of the lower vibrations of fear, worry or anger? Are you able to respond with the higher frequency of Love, Joy and Peace? What do you need in order for that to happen?
Choose to spend time alone in further silent contemplation this week. Do some soul searching. Reconnect your head, heart and gut by taking several deep breaths while holding your heart and belly-brain. Ask your soul what it is that you need right now in order to Be Love? How can you raise the energetic frequency in the world to LOVE, Harmony and Collaboration? What actions are you called to do? Ask for soul wisdom, and wait in silence to listen to what surfaces in your awareness.
Once you have clear eagle vision of what you are called to do, then you make a conscious choice to respond with love and other higher frequencies. Some actions you may wish to consider are: Call a friend. Listen deeply. Offer TLC. Write to your representatives. Channel your frustrations into artwork, kneading homemade bread, scrubbing windows, taking a walk, throwing snowballs at a tree, dancing, singing, drumming, or other energy releasing activity.
May we each bring the clearer, stronger vibration of LOVE into the world.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31