Stress Release
Dis-ease is information, according to Christina Ross, PhD, author of Etiology (2013). It is a signal that change is needed. Disease is an opportunity for growth. The food we eat, the lifestyle we live, the thoughts we think, and the emotions we feel all affect how we manifest disease. They can affect our body’s immune system by increasing our heart rate, our blood pressure and our blood sugar, which allows acute illness to manifest and could eventually lead to chronic disease. Reducing stress goes a long way towards changing our emotional responses. Stress reduction can be attained through meditation, slowing the breath, yoga, drinking pure spring water, and eating a healthier diet. These practices promote health and wellness instead of sickness and disease.
It is helpful to understand that stressful environments promote sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) activation, while peaceful environments encourage the regeneration of the organism through the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest). Serenity promotes health and wellness while stress causes illness and disease. The difference occurs in the person's ability to deal with both internal as well as external stress.
It is also important to be aware of both good stress and bad stress in our lives. A new job, getting married, a new baby or a new house can be very exciting, but can create as much stress and anxiety as getting laid off from a job, getting divorced, bankruptcy, suffering an illness or the death of a loved one. Pay attention to the signs of stress, which include shallow breathing, muscle tension, headaches, changes in eating habits and lack of sleep. These are a result of the sympathetic nervous system’s activation and can lead to more long-term problems if our body stays in a constant state of “alert”.
Relaxation techniques activate our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) which is responsible for our body’s “rest and digest” response. When the PNS is activated, our breathing and heart rate slows, our blood pressure decreases, our mind thinks more clearly, our body sleeps more deeply and our digestive system starts to gurgle and resume digestion. This promotes health and wellness. Our body heals best in this environment.
Self care is an important part of healing and inner peace. Ten minutes per day meditating or doing deep breathing will calm our minds and emotions, initiating the healing process. Meditation is the fastest and least expensive way to achieve this inner peace. Deep breathing or listening to relaxing music can also help reach a deeper level of relaxation.
Yoga is another great way to reverse the impact of stress on our body. There are many classes available in the community. Check with a friend to find a class that fits your schedule. It is important to listen to your body and not force it into poses that are uncomfortable. Respect pain. If it feels uncomfortable, then stop and ask the instructor for assistance in modifying the pose.
Yoga Nidra is the meditation form of yoga. It is similar to a guided meditation with a progressive body relaxation process. Robin Carnes or Richard Miller (iRest) have excellent MP3 files you can purchase online. There are also apps you can download and use on a regular basis. Check out Madhava’s Yoga Nidra Lite or Andrew Johnson’s Relax at the App Store.
Research shows that creativity can positively impact health and well-being. Journaling, painting, coloring mandalas or other creative expressions can help you process the emotions and unconscious thoughts associated with stress and illness. Keep a gratitude journal of things you are thankful for. Color a Mandala from or check out Zentangles at for some creative ideas.
Talking with a trusted friend on a regular basis can provide ongoing support. You may also want to seek professional assistance, especially if you feel more comfortable talking with someone you do not know personally. Start your own support group with a few selected friends and plan a time to meet regularly. The important thing is to pay attention to your emotions and feelings and find healthy ways to express them, so they do not contribute to the disease process. Make time for laughter, as studies show this can improve your body’s ability to heal.
It is self-empowering to be involved in your own healing process. Treating disease is most effective when done on every level: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Conventional (Traditional) health care focuses on treating the symptoms of the body. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies work together with traditional medicine to address the whole person. CAM does not diagnose or fix, but uses the body’s innate ability to heal itself. It is important to educate yourself and discover what services are available. Using additional services such as nutrition counseling, acupuncture, Zero Balancing, Healing Touch, chiropractic, or massage can all have a positive impact on your body’s ability to heal. Check with your primary physician to see if you can explore these additional therapies. Make sure your CAM professional has had proper training and certification for the services provided. Some of these services are not covered by insurance but are often well worth the out of pocket expense.
Finally, we need to find purpose in our lives. Finding your passion and fulfilling your life’s purpose is essential to health and healing. If you are dreading work, unmotivated or unhappy with your current situation, you may need to consider some changes in your life. You may benefit from several sessions with a Life Coach or counselor. There are many resources available in the community for these services.
Reflection: Stress is a part of life. How you handle stress impacts your health. Disease is an opportunity for growth. You have a wide range of resources available to make a positive impact on your health. What will you choose?